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Georgie Calinescu-Barber

MBACP Psychotherapist

Are you feeling stuck, ​overwhelmed, or unsure of where ​to turn?

Do you need a space where you ​can be unapologetically yourself?

A warm hello and welcome to ​Soulscapes

All aspects of the human experience have the potential to be a resource.

Everyone deserves to heal their past, unlock their potential

and thrive in the present.

Mystical Sun Divider. Celestial Sun Border Separator

Special Interests: Attachment, Trauma, ​Empowerment, Holistic Client Centred Approach, ​Psychoeducation, Neuroscience, Gender Identity, ​Neurodiversity, Creativity, Multiculturalism & ​Birth Psychology

Special Interests: Attachment, Trauma, ​Empowerment, Holistic Client Centred Approach, ​Psychoeducation, Neuroscience, Gender Identity, ​Neurodiversity, Creativity, Multiculturalism & ​Birth Psychology

I am a registered Integrative Psychotherapist with over 17 years of ​experience in both state and private practice and international ​settings.

My background is in working with a wide range of mental and ​emotional health challenges, with clients with often complex ​presentations, supporting them to live a more rich, meaningful and ​independent life by understanding the themes and patterns that ​have affected them throughout their life journey.

Specialising in working with children, young people and adults, as ​well as other professionals, I employ a holistic approach that blends ​various therapeutic techniques and a range of evidence based, ​proven approaches, based on highly individualised psychological ​assessment and formulation, to cater to the unique needs of each ​client.

I hold a Double Degree in Psychology and Social Work and a ​Master's Degree in Psychotherapy and I have undergone extensive ​training in various therapeutic modalities. I am also a qualified ​Doula.

Professional Liability Insurance Enhanced DBS Certificate
My Therapeutic Approach

It all starts with you feeling a pull ​towards wanting to make a change in ​your life, wanting to understand ​yourself as you truly are.

So you reach out. I listen to you and ​the change you want to create.

I understand the vulnerability that ​comes with opening up about your ​innermost world and I am here to ​support you every step of the way with ​empathy, warmth, non-judgement and ​an open mind.

My training and approach is holistic ​and integrative, understanding the ​complex interplay between the mind, ​the body and the inner emotional ​world of each person that I work with ​and adapting to each person’s ​therapeutic needs as they arise and ​change along the journey.


Next, you’ll reflect on what brought ​you to this space, and what you want ​to achieve by being here.

I invite you to work from a place in the ​here and now, in which you can ​explore your inner world of thoughts ​and feelings, gain insight into what ​makes you you, and where your ​struggles come from.

My priority is to create spaces where ​you can be open, and where you can ​learn skills to keep yourself safe and ​grounded, whilst discovering your ​inner strength and resilience, to create ​the life you truly want to live.

We will always work with your needs ​and experiences, going at a pace that ​you feel is necessary.


The last step? You learn how to ​continually refine your choices and ​thrive in the present, now tuned to ​your inner compass.

I see the work as a collaborative ​process between you and I as your ​therapist. Therapy is a two way process ​relationship. Therapists don’t work ‘on’ ​you, they don’t give advice - they work ​‘with’ you.

You are the one reinventing your own ​identity and boundaries.

You are the one who practices these ​new ways of being and feeling, moving ​forward.

You are the one who is ready to show ​up for yourself, be appropriately ​challenged when needed and be open ​the way you need to, in order to thrive ​in the present.

My practice is Trauma Informed and

Neurodivergence Affirming

Beautiful Misty Landscape of Forest Trees
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Tan Abstract Rectangle



60 minutes psychotherapy session ​online or by phone


60 minutes psychotherapy session ​online or by phone


Crescent Moon Outline
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60 minutes walk and

talk session,

subject to suitability check.

unique approach that combines ​psychotherapy

with an outdoor setting, such as a ​park or nature trail


60 minutes walk and

talk session,

subject to suitability check.

unique approach that combines ​psychotherapy

with an outdoor setting, such as a ​park or nature trail


Crescent Moon Outline
Tan Abstract Rectangle



60 minutes 1 to 1 online

or phone session

compassionate, non judgemental ​listening and encouragement.

gain practical strategies for ​personal growth


60 minutes 1 to 1 online

or phone session

compassionate, non judgemental ​listening and encouragement.

gain practical strategies for ​personal growth


Crescent Moon Outline

Do you need support but cannot cover fees?

Let’s chat about how we can customize ​sessions to match your needs and resources.

Service exchange considered.

Do you need support but cannot cover fees?

Let’s chat about how we can customize ​sessions to match your needs and resources.

Service exchange considered.

You're not alone

Georgie has supported me ​through some difficult periods in ​my life. Appointments are made ​quickly and I feel deeply listened ​to. Her guidance with my ​mindset has made a truly ​profound impact on my mental ​health.


Working with Georgie is different ​to any therapy I have had before ​- she connects with you on a ​deep level and helps to connect ​to yourself. Her skills and ​knowledge are evident and the ​way she works creates a ​process where you help yourself ​with her guidance - she gives ​me understanding and lasting ​change of my inner world.


I have grown so much since I ​met Georgie, she has supported ​me through many challenges in ​life and given me the tools and ​self belief to thrive and face ​whatever the future holds, with a ​sense of calmness and ​capability I never thought I'd ​have.​


Work with Me


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Helping others to see the light at the end ​of the tunnel, one generous act at a time.

Your kindness can be a lifeline for those in ​need.

Together we can make mental health ​support accessible to all.

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Georgie Calinescu Barber, 2024